Very glad you called out the murky science of 'growth mindset' as context for this discussion. When I saw the book title I winced so it's good to read the discussion informed by that reservation.
I generally like the concept of growth mindset, but I'm skeptical of light touch interventions of all sorts--especially in contexts where everything is pushing against the intervention. I think you'll have far more success, with mindsets, identities, etc, when the norms, rewards and leadership are all aligned to create a powerful context.
Very glad you called out the murky science of 'growth mindset' as context for this discussion. When I saw the book title I winced so it's good to read the discussion informed by that reservation.
I generally like the concept of growth mindset, but I'm skeptical of light touch interventions of all sorts--especially in contexts where everything is pushing against the intervention. I think you'll have far more success, with mindsets, identities, etc, when the norms, rewards and leadership are all aligned to create a powerful context.